Sustainable Waste Management Drive
Join us at the Nyanza Region Chapter of the National Sustainable Waste Management Drive going down from September in Kisumu.
Our theme is Consolidating the Country's Sustainable Waste Management Landscape.
Register to attend.
About Us
Kenya Association of Waste Recyclers (KAWR) is the umbrella body for the private sector industry involved in the materials recovery from waste; this includes and is not limited to, retrieval of materials from waste, repair, refurbishment, recycling, remanufacturing, composting, power generation, or any other initiative aimed at extracting value from material that would otherwise have been discarded as waste.

About Us
Kenya Association of Waste Recyclers (KAWR) is the umbrella body for the private sector industry involved in the materials recovery from waste; this includes and is not limited to, retrieval of materials from waste, repair, refurbishment, recycling, remanufacturing, composting, power generation, or any other initiative aimed at extracting value from material that would otherwise have been discarded as waste.
Our Core Objectives
Creating recycling awareness among the public and training members on most efficient recycling approaches for different waste streams.
KAWR is the leading voice on behalf of recyclers at the national and local levels on legislative and regulatory issues with an aim of improving business climate for recyclers.
Capacity building
Enhancing the recycling capability of members through forming partnerships, cooperation and other forms of understandings with other stakeholders.
Information gathering
Collection and sharing data regarding waste generated and recycling trends in Kenya with and other interested parties.
Join our association
- We are a national umbrella body of individuals and enterprises that engage in recycling as a waste management as a social enterprise.
- Membership: Open
- Current members: 457 spread across the country.
Our Team

Mr David Kihiu Kang’ethe

Vice Chair
Mr. Nadim Mawji

Secretary General
Mr. Richard Kainika

Mrs. Vanita Halai

Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Jignesh Patel

Nairobi Representative
Mr. Nicodemus A. Otieno

Coast Representative
Mr. Arvind B. Jill

Western Representative
Mr. Ketan Desai

Nyanza Representative
Mr. Caleb Mose

Central Kenya Representative
Mrs. Catherine K. Mwangi

Rift Valley Representative
Mr. Sammy N. Matimu

Eastern Representative
Mrs. Jedidah Kanana

Breaking the EPR Cost Barriers Through Innovation and Collaboration
As Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) frameworks reshapes the landscape of waste management, a new chapter of responsibility unfolds across industries, communities, and governments. No longer are waste recyclers or municipal…

Setting The Stage For The Epr In Kenya
Kenya Association of Waste Recyclers (KAWR) is a pivotal organization in Kenya’s waste management sector, established in 2017. As the nation embarks on implementing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), KAWR stands…

Benefits Of Appointing KAWR For EPR Agency Services
Kenya Association of Waste Recyclers (KAWR) is the umbrella body for the private sector industry involved in the materials recovery from waste; this includes and is not limited to, retrieval…