Kenya Association of Waste Recyclers (KAWR) is a registered non-profit organization established in 2017 under section 10 of the Societies Act with a membership base across the country. Members consist of players in different levels of recycling value chain such as:

– Waste pickers

– Collectors/site managers (Viwanja Peoople)

– Transporters

– Value addition (sorting, crushers, washers, pelletizers)

– Converters/Manufacturers

– Other interested parties.

As an organization we concentrate on sharing of knowledge among our members and other stakeholders on the most efficient recycling approaches as one of workable solutions to waste management problem facing this country in order to achieve a circular economy in resource utilization.


Waste Streams (Services)

The organization members recycle various types of materials which have completed their service use or were previously used for packaging other products i.e:

  • Plastics: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), High Density polyethylene (HDPE), Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Low Density polyethylene (LDPE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene
  • Waste Paper: Brown (Kraft), Deinking White, Newsprint, Assorted waste etc.
  • Scrap Metal: Steel, Aluminium, Copper, Cast Iron, Lead, Brass etc.
  • Organic matter: composting material, feedstock and bones for making ornaments.
  • Rubber: Vehicle tyres, tubing, bushed, machine paddings etc.
  • Glass: Recovered glass from bottles and drinking glasses
  • Construction materials: stones, concrete slab waste.
  • Wood: Used timber, poles, cardboards.
  • Textile: Industrial textile wastes, clothing material.
  • Among others

To create a circular economy and sustainable environment through responsible disposal and recycling of all recoverable valuable materials in waste generated in Kenya


To be the leader in resource conservation in Kenya